At Charter Senior Living, we maintain the highest standards of safety for our residents, staff, and community as directed by the Centers for Disease Control and our state departments of health. We continue to monitor and react to developments regarding the coronavirus and the COVID-19 vaccine. We will provide regular updates as necessary.

Preventing the Spread of COVID-19

  • We have rigorously increased our already stringent protocols and general precautions at this time.
  • Increased sanitizing and cleaning of high-touch surfaces.
  • All residences have COVID-19 vitals precautions and symptoms screening in place, including temperature and pulse oximetry daily and as indicated.
  • Checking temperatures of all associates at beginning and end of shifts.
  • Continuing space and social distancing programming such as utilizing outdoor space as weather and community level permit.
  • Visitation restrictions applied as per state-specific visitation policy. (Please contact the local community for details.)

Testing for COVID-19

All communities have the ability to test for COVID-19. We currently follow the guidelines provided by both local health departments and state licensing agencies to determine testing protocols related to both residents and associates. Point of Care (POC) antigen testing and Laboratory PCR testing are utilized in each community as indicated.

Communities with a Suspected or Positive Case

Any community with a positive or suspected case immediately implements exposure control protocols with contact tracing and isolation/quarantine as per policy, CDC recommendations and state guidelines. A positive or suspected resident would be isolated as per CDC and state protocol. We will continue to work with the local health officials in each state and follow any additional protocols that may be requested or recommended.

Communication to Families and Residents

Proactive communication is Charter’s top priority. If a community has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19, we will communicate with families and residents immediately and ongoing with updates. Communities utilize various methods of communication, including emails, Facebook Live, family conference calls and texts.

Testing of Residents and Staff for COVID-19

All communities have access to COVID-19 tests for both associates and residents. We follow CDC guidelines, as well as guidelines from local state health departments and state licensing agencies. Point of Care (POC) antigen testing and PCR laboratory testing are utilized for testing.

Monitoring Residents’ Illness

We are checking COVID vitals (temperature/oxygen saturations) of residents with symptom screening at least daily and as needed. If any resident has symptoms of COVID-19 or temperature greater than 100.0, we will work closely with their physician for testing and to determine appropriate care.

Beauty and Barber Shops

Currently our beauty and barber shops are open.

Physician Appointments

We are highly recommending the use of telemedicine if your physician provides it. We ask for everyone’s safety to limit medical appointments to essential visits only. Any resident who must go to a medical appointment will be provided proper PPE masks that are to be worn throughout their visit. Residents are monitored for 14 days upon return for any COVID-19 symptoms. Transmission-based isolation precaution is determined based on the risk of exposure while out of the community.

Dining Services

If any resident in the community is in quarantine due to suspected or confirmed exposure, all meals will be delivered to the resident’s apartment. This is required by the CDC to ensure there is not additional spread throughout the community. We continue to provide mobile hydration stations throughout the day to ensure additional snacks and drinks are provided. If the community is not in quarantine, we are adapting dining services/times to allow for proper social distancing.

Associate Safety

All associates are wearing masks. In addition, their temperatures are taken at the beginning of each shift and the end of each shift. If they are exhibiting any COVID-19 symptoms, the associate is tested for COVID-19 immediately and remains out of work until negative results are obtained and staff is 24 hours post-symptoms without medication. New associates must have a negative PCR laboratory test prior to starting work. Essential caregivers must be on a routine testing schedule with negative results provided prior to working as per state requirements.

If an associates has tested positive for COVID-19, they cannot return to work until at least 10 days after the positive test date, symptom improvement, and 24 hours without medication to treat any symptoms. Health department clearance is needed to return to work. No retesting is done for 90 days after a positive result unless the health department or primary physician directs.


We encourage you to reach out to the executive director first. If you need additional assistance, please send an email to [email protected] or contact 331.305.5078.